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Fog Bell 1910785 viewsThe caption on the back of the picture is: "Point Lookout Fog Bell Tower, picture taken 1910. On left is Catherine Marie Ardseer [sic] (b. 5-9-1891) and on right is Rose Jeanette Ardseer [sic] (b. 4-22-1890); relatives of lighthouse keeper."

Note: The Ardeeser's were relatives of lighthouse keeper William Yeatman, who died in 1908. Perhaps the date of the picture is incorrect OR the young women returned to the lighthouse for a visit during William Moody's second term.

Fog Bell 1958760 viewsThe fogbell at Point Lookout. The structure was moved to St. Michaels Maritime Museum, where it currently resides. Courtesy of the U.S. Navy from the Tester newspaper: U.S. Naval Air Test Center, Patuxent River, Maryland, Friday, July 25, 1958, Vol. XV- No. 29, Pages 4-5. Special thanks to Charlie Kidd for sharing his copy of this newspaper, and to the Public Information office at Patuxent Naval Air Station (PAX) for supplying a higher resolution version.

Fog Bell Tower at CBMM745 viewsThis is the fog bell tower as it stands at CBMM in St Michaels, Maryland. The Point Lookout Lighthouse Preservation Society (PLLPS), Inc. is working to return this wonderful piece of history to Point Lookout. (See for the latest info). As of 2010, the fog bell tower is owned by the Navy and on loan to CBMM.
Fog Bell Tower at CBMM751 viewsAnother view of the fog bell tower. Note that the fourth side of the lighthouse has been refinished with wood planking since the structure used to be attached to the coal shed at the Point Lookout Lighthouse Complex. The bell was cast in 1857 by the Meneely Company in New York. Fun fact: the lumber was pre-cut and installed on site, each piece is numbered to allow for simple construction onsite.
Fog Bell Tower at CBMM847 viewsA close-up of the fog bell tower and cat walk. The view from above was spectacular.
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