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Lighthouse, c. 1949780 viewsPoint Lookout, Summer of 1949. Notice the fence and the absence of the windmill. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

Point Lookout Wharf, summer of 1949.809 viewsPoint Lookout Wharf, summer of 1949. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

Lighthouse, Coal and Buoy Sheds864 viewsPoint Lookout Lighthouse. The fog bell is visible on the left hand side of the photo. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart. Date unknown but most likely early 1920s.

Point Lookout Lighthouse, from the buoy tracks779 viewsPoint Lookout Lighthouse, from the buoy tracks. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

943 viewsPoint Lookout Lighthouse, c. 1921-1923. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

895 viewsPoint Lookout Lighthouse (the identity of the persons surrounding the lighthouse picture is unknown). Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

Buoy867 viewsBuoy on wharf at Point Lookout. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

View from Wharf, pre-1927 remodel805 viewsView of the lighthouse and buoy sheds from the wharf; pre-1927 remodel. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

Buoy Shed, viewed from the Wharf736 viewsPoint Lookout Wharf, buoy shed in the background. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

Lighthouse in the Background780 viewsPhoto courtesy of Francis Hart.
694 viewsView of the lighthouse from the buoy tracks. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.
Fog Bell736 viewsFog Bell, located at the end of the coal shed (the southernmost shed). Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.
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