588 viewsJack and Paul surrounded by Fussy Budget's puppies. Fussy delivered the pups in the coal bin and was tragically killed by a coal delivery. Jack and Paul raised the 13 pups on milk, feeding them with a baby's bottle.
Zaddock Sturgis717 viewsKeeper Zaddock Sturgis.
Zaddock Sturgis655 viewsZaddock Sturgis on lighthouse steps.
585 viewsPaul sits on the steps of the lighthouse with his friends Dagwood and Fussy Budget.
Lighthouse Complex from Wharf1048 views
Raymond Hartzel, North Side Living Room833 viewsRaymond Hartzel in uniform and glasses, taken in the north side living room.
Sturgis Boys672 viewsThe Sturgis Boys pose for the camera.
Zadock and Violet Sturgis673 viewsZadock and Violet Sturgis, with unknown children.