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Image search results - "seance paranormal "
Sarah Estep Attends Seance5903 viewsPicture of the Seance. Laura Berg is on the far left and on the top right is Sarah Estep. Sarah Estep has recorded for many hours in search of EVP. She is featured on the "Sightings, The Ghost Report" videotape and recorded "I was seeing the war" in the basement of the lighthouse. Sarah Estep has since retired from EVP research. Three members of the MD Committee for Psychical Research returned to Point Lookout in February, 1980 for a followup visit. After investigating the entire lighthouse, we had a seance. 35 mm cameras were placed in three corners of the room and as well as several candles. Ron & Nancy Stallings, their son and Laura Berg participated in the seance while Gerald Sword, Erik Berg and Kevin Mack photographed.

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