
Diane and Charlie Kidd on Diane's twentieth birthday.710 viewsDiane and Charlie Kidd on Diane's twentieth birthday.

Rascal by a tree.654 viewsRascal by a tree.

Navy Beacon Houses.662 viewsNavy Beacon Houses.

View of the Nor'Easter, looking east from the front porch.655 viewsView of the Nor'Easter, looking east from the front porch.

View of the Nor'Easter, looking east from the front porch.652 viewsView of the Nor'Easter, looking east from the front porch.

View from the lighthouse, looking south.668 viewsView from the lighthouse, looking south.

Diane Kidd679 viewsDiane Kidd in a punt that Charlie dug out of the sand. Charlie installed the sail.

Diane, Sherry & dog "Lonesome" in the kitchen.666 viewsDiane, Sherry & dog "Lonesome" in the kitchen.

Sherry Kidd in the bathtub.668 viewsSherry Kidd in the bathtub. Notice that there are no tiles on the walls surrounding the bathtub.

Diane and Lonesome656 viewsDiane & Lonesome in the kitchen; Sherry in the high chair.

Sherry & Lonesome playing under the kitchen table.658 viewsSherry & Lonesome playing under the kitchen table.

Rascal in a bowl in front of the refrigerator.654 viewsRascal in a bowl in front of the refrigerator.