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Last additions - Point Lookout Lighthouse
Eric Bateman840 viewsEric Batemen (Laura Berg's brother) sitting with one of Laura's cats, Pegasus. You can see the 14" deep box windows in the background.

Feb 18, 2008
Den800 viewsThe Den is located North side of the Lighthouse. This room had built-in book shelves, rustic paneling and a faux fireplace. Feb 18, 2008
Den Fireplace791 viewsA beautiful fake fireplace was built here by a former resident of the lighthouse. Feb 18, 2008
602 viewsFeb 18, 2008
Paul Sturgis and Dagwood667 viewsPaul Sturgis standing on the steps with the family dog Dagwood.
Feb 18, 2008
943 viewsBoth the North and South sides of the Lighthouse have private entrances to the Tower. The entrance to the tower opens into a steep spiral staircase with small steps; the staircase ends at a landing where the door to the attic is located. To reach the light, you must then climb a ladder leading to a narrow hatch. Once through the hatch, you are officially in the Lighthouse Cupola/Tower! During Hans Holzer's visit, one of the mediums got an impression that a man had been murdered in the entrance to the tower. A voice recorded here said in a British accent, "Hold your tongue, Handsome (or Hanson)".

Feb 18, 2008
863 viewsThe interior walls are in bad shape. Some of the damage has been caused by vandals, however, other areas were opened up as part of a structural evaluation prior to the 2002 rennovation. The brick in the old part of the lighthouse is 14" thick.Feb 18, 2008
Bedroom Light Bulb834 viewsThis is a picture of a lightbulb in one of the upstairs bedrooms. The picture was taken at the open house. For some reason, I was drawn to the lightbulbs, so I snapped some pictures. Nothing appears to be extraordinary about this picture.

Feb 18, 2008
918 viewsThese steep wooden stairs have seen a lot of wear (or feet!) and are still in good shape, however, they are very steep.
Feb 18, 2008
962 viewsAfter climbing the spiral stairs, you reach a landing which contains this ladder. At the top of the ladder is a hatch which you push open and climb into the Lighthouse Tower. Point Lookout Lighthouse is an integral lighthouse, meaning that the tower is attached to the roof of the lighthouse, as opposed to having a seperate structure.
Feb 18, 2008
South Side Kitchen1001 viewsA screened vent in the kitchen window. The Navy installed the vents as an interim measure to allow air circulation within the lighthouse to prevent moisture and mold from building up inside. This window vent was put in place by the Navy as part of the effort to put the lighthouse in a "mothball" state to prevent any further damage and to keep it structurally sound. The vent was replaced in the 2002 remodel.

Feb 18, 2008
981 viewsThis is a unique built-in cabinet next to a storage closet in the South side of the Lighthouse, and one of the few differences between the north and south sides of the lighthouse. The custom cabinets were built by Keeper Herman Metivier. It has been this coral color since at least 1979.
Feb 18, 2008
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