Random files - Keepers

Mary Hartzel on the Bay Side Beach563 viewsNotice how much erosion has taken place since this picture was taken.

Coal and Buoy Shed View562 views

William Yeatman, Jr (1931-1939)842 viewsThis is a picture of William Yeatman, Jr. from the late 1920s or early 1930s. He was the Assistant Keeper at Point Lookout from 1931 until he retired in 1939. Previously, William Yeatman, Jr. had been the keeper at Point No Point, Drum Point and Piney Point prior to moving back to Point Lookout. He took a volutary demotion to Assistant Keeper in 1931 to return to Point Lookout, most likely because he had previously lived in the lighthouse and wanted to raise his kids there (including Harry Yeatman, 1920-2001). The assignment to Point Lookout most likely did not carry a reduction in salary, but allowed William Jr more family time because most other lighthouses did not have a full time assistant keeper. This photo courtesy of Ted Yeatman, William Yeatman Sr's Great Grandson.

Jack and Paul Sturgis653 viewsFrom another angle- Jack and Paul surrounded by Fussy Budget's puppies. Fussy delivered the pups in the coal bin and was tragically killed by a coal delivery. Jack and Paul raised the 13 pups on milk, feeding them with a baby's bottle.

Lighthouse from Pier968 viewsPoint Lookout, c. 1909. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart.

Living Room704 viewsThe living room, decorated by the Sturgis family.

Charles Price Tull's Children817 viewsCharles Price Tull's children Buddy, Catherine and Elmer in front of the Point Lookout Lighthouse. Lucille Nestler was an infant when this picture was taken, 1920s (1921 or 1922). Unknown, Photo courtesy of Lucille Nestler. Lucille Nestler is a relative of one of the Lighthouse keepers of Point Lookout and has provided this photograph.

Lighthouse, Coal and Buoy Sheds875 viewsPoint Lookout Lighthouse. The fog bell is visible on the left hand side of the photo. Photo courtesy of Francis Hart. Date unknown but most likely early 1920s.
 Last additions - Keepers

Jacobson Descendants Visit the Lighthouse548 viewsJudy and Jenny are descendants of keeper Thomas Jacobson, who served as keeper of Point Lookout Lighthouse from May 1, 1912 until August 30, 1917. Judy is Mr. Jacobson's great granddaughter; Jenny is his great-great granddaughter, and Judy's daughter. Lighthouse historian Robert Hall took the family on a tour of the lighthouse, pointing out the differences between how the structure looked during Mr. Jacobson's five year tenure and the way that it looks today. Pictured: Jenny and Judy on lighthouse porch. Jan 03, 2020

626 viewsMar 17, 2019

Front Steps of Lighthouse958 viewsFeb 04, 2011

Looking northeast toward the Lighthouse946 viewsFeb 04, 2011

Raymond and Mary Hartzel in North Side Living Room964 viewsNotice the TV in the corner of the room. Limited reception meant few channels were available to watch.Feb 04, 2011

North Side living Room930 viewsFeb 04, 2011

Bay Side View of Lighthouse735 viewsFeb 04, 2011

Looking SouthWest771 viewsNotice the interesting paint job on the lantern room.Feb 04, 2011