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Category Albums Files
Point Lookout LighthouseKeepers and Buildings of the Lighthouse
General Lighthouse PicturesPictures of the interior and exterior of the lighthouse over the years.
4 81
Exterior Pictures


60 files, last one added on Mar 29, 2012
Album viewed 990 times


0 files
Album viewed 0 times

Bell Tower


5 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2010
Album viewed 504 times

Interior Pictures


16 files, last one added on Jan 05, 2009
Album viewed 839 times

4 albums on 1 page(s)

KeepersPictures of lighthouse keepers and their families.
7 227
George Willis (1917-1939)


The pictures in this album are courtesy of George Fish, grandson of Keeper George Willis. His grandmother, Queenie Willis, ran the post office in Scotland for many years. Most of the pictures are believed to be from the 1920s. If you recognize anyone in the pictures, please email Many thanks to George for sharing these gems with us! Notice details of the buildings attached to the lighthouse prior to the 1927 remodel.

11 files, last one added on Jun 23, 2010
Album viewed 284 times

Herman Metivier (1943-1954)


Herman Metivier was Assistant Keeper from 1939 until 1943, and Keeper from 1943 until he retired in 1954.

12 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2008
Album viewed 561 times

Zaddock Sturgis (1954-1956)


Zaddock Sturgis was Assistant Keeper from 1943 through 1954, and Keeper from 1954 until he retired in 1956 on medical disability.

71 files, last one added on Jun 23, 2010
Album viewed 901 times

William Moody(1869-1871 and 1908-1912)


The only keeper to serve two terms at Point Lookout.

1 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2008
Album viewed 548 times

Thomas Jacobson (1912-1917)


This keeper seemed to prefer the sea to land based lighthouses.

12 files, last one added on Jan 03, 2020
Album viewed 744 times

William Yeatman (1871-1908)


Served the longest term as keeper, and died at Point Lookout. His son Percy held the keeper position for 1 month after William's death so the family could have time to move to nearby housing.

35 files, last one added on Mar 17, 2019
Album viewed 930 times

Raymond Hartzel (1964-1966)


Photos courtesy of Raymond Hartzel and Family.

85 files, last one added on Feb 04, 2011
Album viewed 919 times


7 albums on 1 page(s)

Assistant KeepersIncludes assistant keepers and enlisted men who rotated through Point Lookout Light Station.
1 83
Charlie Kidd (1958-1959)


Charlie Kidd and his wife lived at the lighthouse from 1958-1959. See interview under the History->Interview menu bar.

83 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2008
Album viewed 904 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Former ResidentsPictures from residents who occupied the lighthouse after 1966.
2 18
Ruth Wood-Alvey


Ruth Wood-Alvey was the first civilian resident of the lighthouse. See inverview with Mrs. Alvey under the history section at

6 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2008
Album viewed 463 times

Laura Berg


12 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2008
Album viewed 515 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

DocumentsNewspaper articles and documents.
2 10


7 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2008
Album viewed 469 times

Government Records


3 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2008
Album viewed 473 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

Special EventsSpecial events that have occured at the lighthouse or for the lighthouse
2 20
Back Yard Boat Builders (BYBB)


17 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2008
Album viewed 717 times

Labor Day 2004


3 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2008
Album viewed 442 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

Related PicturesPictures related to the lighthouse or former keepers.
1 15
Charlie Kidd Wolf Trap Lighthouse


15 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2008
Album viewed 720 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

NoteworthyPictures from past events, volunteers in action and storm pictures.
5 33
Volunteers in Action


8 files, last one added on Jan 05, 2009
Album viewed 448 times

Descendents Visit the Lighthouse


5 files, last one added on Jan 05, 2009
Album viewed 464 times



6 files, last one added on Jan 05, 2009
Album viewed 444 times

Hurricane Ernesto


10 files, last one added on Jan 05, 2009
Album viewed 463 times

Lighthouse Visitors


4 files, last one added on Jan 05, 2009
Album viewed 446 times


5 albums on 1 page(s)

ParanormalUnusual Happenings at the Lighthouse
ParanormalThis section contains pictures that may contain examples of unexplained phenomena.
3 31
1980s Pictures


Pictures from seances held in 1980.

6 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2008
Album viewed 1057 times

After 1995


These pictures have some unusual attributes.

21 files, last one added on Jun 30, 2010
Album viewed 1138 times

Challenge 2009


4 files, last one added on Nov 09, 2009
Album viewed 668 times


3 albums on 1 page(s)

518 files in 27 albums and 11 categories with 0 comments viewed 532,626 times

Random files
View from a Jetty789 viewsThere is one jetty in the fishing area which remains as of 1999 on the Chesapeake Bay side. This is a great view of the Lighthouse. Photographs taken by psychic investigators revealed the figure of a man sitting near this jetty; the apparition was visible to the human eye. This area is where the prison hospital was located.

Paul Sturgis on Dock631 viewsPaul sits on the boat at the end of the wharf. The buoy shed and lighthouse are in the background.
Fresnel Lens Stand977 viewsThis is the actual light housing located up in the tower/cupola. The light was originally operated with oil, until it was electrified in the 1920s, first by a windmill and later by generators and commercial power. Hans Holzer's group visited here and recorded a voice in this area that said: "My Home".
Diane Kidd & Pat Hopkins on Diane's twentieth birthday.787 viewsDiane Kidd & Pat Hopkins on Diane's twentieth birthday.
Paul Sturgis684 viewsPaul Sturgis with the lighthouse in the background.
Cheryl and Lonesome under the kitchen table.670 viewsCheryl and Lonesome under the kitchen table.
Paul Sturgis in a Cowboy Suit666 viewsPaul Sturgis sits on the front steps with his friend from Baltimore, Joe McQue. Mr. McQue bought the cowboy outfit that Paul is wearing.

Last additions
Jacobson Descendants Visit the Lighthouse548 viewsJudy and Jenny are descendants of keeper Thomas Jacobson, who served as keeper of Point Lookout Lighthouse from May 1, 1912 until August 30, 1917. Judy is Mr. Jacobson's great granddaughter; Jenny is his great-great granddaughter, and Judy's daughter. Lighthouse historian Robert Hall took the family on a tour of the lighthouse, pointing out the differences between how the structure looked during Mr. Jacobson's five year tenure and the way that it looks today. Pictured: Jenny and Judy on lighthouse porch. Jan 03, 2020
626 viewsMar 17, 2019
Exterior of Lighthouse, Looking South1051 viewsThis photograph is a rare find and shows the lighthouse in 1927, just 2 years before the 1927 remodel. The photos are part of a larger photo album documenting a 1925 trip to southern Maryland by Julia Dent Best and Alfred Sellman Best. Julia Best was a 1919 graduate of what was then called St. Mary's Female Seminary. The album was donated to St. Mary’s College of Maryland Archives by Julia Best's great-niece, Virginia Arndt, of Solomons.Mar 29, 2012
View of the Coal and Buoy Sheds from the Lighthouse Roof1022 viewsLooking south from the roof of the lighthouse, c. 1925. Note the fog bell tower in the center of the picture(attached to coal shed). The photos are part of a larger photo album documenting a 1925 trip to southern Maryland by Julia Dent Best and Alfred Sellman Best. Julia Best was a 1919 graduate of what was then called St. Mary's Female Seminary. The album was donated to St. Mary’s College of Maryland Archives by Julia Best's great-niece, Virginia Arndt, of Solomons.Mar 29, 2012
Front Steps of Lighthouse958 viewsFeb 04, 2011
Looking northeast toward the Lighthouse946 viewsFeb 04, 2011
Raymond and Mary Hartzel in North Side Living Room964 viewsNotice the TV in the corner of the room. Limited reception meant few channels were available to watch.Feb 04, 2011
North Side living Room930 viewsFeb 04, 2011